Julia Harrington


agent: Natalie Spanier - natalie@sternwild.com


Julia is an award-winning senior creative with a reputation for delivering innovative, complex projects to major broadcasters. Her work can be seen in the UK, US and internationally. A former film maker, C4 history commissioner and head of department, she now likes to get her creative kicks working hands on with the best directors and teams to tell stories in unique ways. She works on projects from inception or can trouble shoot.

She loves the edgy, the thorny and the entertaining. 

In her 7 years at C4 Julia created memorable TV from Richard III: The King in the Carpark, to Raw’s The Liquid Bomb Plot, to two seasons of scripted drama The Mill, which was her own idea. She most recently delivered rare archive feature doc Elizabeth: The Unseen Queen to BBC One which has racked up 10m+ iPlayer views. 

Julia has successfully innovated and delivered in all factual genres from scripted to drama doc, observational to talent led but access, archive and testimony are particular strengths, seen in 2021’s A Life in Ten Pictures, a biography format telling the story of icons such as Tupac, Muhammad Ali and Amy Winehouse which has since been recommissioned.

History is a specialism but always with a contemporary documentary sensibility putting storytelling and character first. Her work often uses neglected perspectives of class, race and gender to tell major stories differently.

Passionate about writing and research, Julia is also strong in development. She’s been getting her own ideas commissioned throughout her career, from the very first series she directed, Shellshock, for C4, to a premium National Geographic feature doc about elite and working class passengers onboard the Titanic, devised while head of specialist factual at Renegade Pictures. 

She does historical consultancy for drama indies. She currently has a slate of her own factual and drama ideas under discussion. 

Julia’s rare 360° experience in different roles and genres along with her nose for a story means she is adept at finding what’s distinctive in any proposition, at building close relationships with commissioners and at supporting directors to do their best work.