Mahmoud Kaabour


agent: Moray Coulter -


Mahmoud is an award-winning Lebanese filmmaker based in Dubai & Berlin, working globally. He’s an expert on the Arabian Gulf region having chronicled its transformations for years. His films have received numerous Best Film & Audience awards, including Tribeca’s $100,000 Audience Award for “Grandma, a Thousand Times”, presented by Robert de Niro. His films are perfectly paced and visually inventive portraits which draw you in to the subject’s life and viewpoint. Mahmoud is drawn to human-interest stories with a socio-political edge, as well as storytelling about migration and music. He can work in multiple languages.

In 2015, he received Esquire Magazine’s Humanitarian Award and was named to the list of “100 most Powerful Arabs Under 40” following the release of his documentary “Champ of the Camp” about a singing competition that takes place inside the labor camps of the UAE. The film is now on Apple TV in the Middle East.

See Mahmoud’s own website

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Mahmoud graduated in Film Production from Mel Oppenheim School of Cinema in Montréal. He ran Veritas Films in Dubai for a decade, producing branded content for corporations and governmental offices as well as creative documentaries. His branded content and consultancy clients have included Google and

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